As one of the oldest hearing aid manufacturers in the world, Oticon got its start in Denmark in 1904. With over 100 years of experience under its belt, Oticon has become a leader in research and innovation for hearing solutions. Driven by their “people first” mission, Oticon began technological research and design of hearing instruments following World War II. In collaboration with research and development from the Ericksholm Research Institute, Oticon hearing aids combine user wearability and personalization as well as cutting edge hearing technology.
*Android devices need to support ASHA to allow direct connectivity to Oticon More. Please visit for more information. **Lithium-ion performance varies depending on hearing loss, lifestyle and streaming behavior.
The Polaris™, Velox S™ and Velox™ platforms' TwinLink™ technologies enable advanced connections to a whole world of wireless devices and solutions. Stream your TV's audio directly to your hearing aids, or adjust the volume discreetly with a tiny Remote Control. With the Oticon ON app, you can set personal listening goals and follow your daily hearing aid use through HearingFitness™.
Oticon ON enables your hearing aids to interact with other Internet-connected devices and services. Trigger your lights, home alarm or smart thermostat when you turn your hearing aids on or off. Tell your hearing aids to notify you when your battery is low, the laundry is finished, or someone's at the door. With Oticon ON, it's all up to you.
Serving the Lancaster County, PA area. Advanced Tech Hearing Aid Centers specializes in hearing aid maintenance and hearing aid services. Home visits available within 24 hours. Free trial for hearing aids. Free batteries for life. Contact us today.
Lancaster County, PA
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