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How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

In Communication, Family and Relationships, Hearing Health, hearing loss, Hearing Loss Treatment by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

As time passes, we come to appreciate more and more the love and support of those closest to us. Through life’s ups and downs, we rely on the love and support of friends and family to lend a hand or an ear, and we do the same for them. But if we are having trouble hearing, communicating our support for …

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Importance of Regular Hearing Checks

In hearing, Hearing Health, Hearing Testing, Research, Tips and Tricks by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

Nothing is as important as your health and well-being, especially as you get older. It can be difficult to keep up with regular visits to your doctor, but it is imperative to ensure not only your health but also your happiness. There are, of course, different recommended checkups for different stages of life: pelvic exam and pap smear starting at …

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All About Hearing Protection

In Hearing Health, Hearing Protection, Research by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

The world we live in is rich with so many diverse noises and sounds.  While sound can often be pleasing, too much sound can begin to irritate our minds and our ears. Some noises can damage our hearing, leading to ringing in the ears referred to as tinnitus, and difficulty communicating. Unfortunately, noise-induced hearing damage is incurable which makes it …